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Publisher: Character and Opinion in the United States
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Format: MP4
Book Description:
How Git Works MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1h 48m | 211 MB Genre: eLearning | Language: English This is a course for developers and system administrators who want to really understand Git. It doesn t matter whether you just started using Git, or you ve been using it every day for months - this course will give you the knowledge you need to b Here is a confession: I used Git for a long time without really understanding what was going on. I knew all the basic commands, but I still got stranded when something went wrong. Why did my rebase fail? How did I manage to mess up the remote? Then I found the key to Git: the content of the .git directory. Once I understood the underlying model, everything about Git clicked into place. Things that used to be baffling and complicated suddenly looked simple and elegant. Let me share these insights with you. It will take you just two hours to wrap your head around Git.
