PlayStation®4 System Software Update
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PS4 System Software Update 8.01
An update to the system software for PlayStation 4 systems was released on 11/18/2020. You can use this to update your system software to version 8.01.
Always update your PS4 system to the latest version of the system software. By updating, you can enjoy additional features, improved usability and enhanced security.
Version 8.01
This system software update improves system performance.
Version 8.00
Main features in the system software update
The following changes have been made to Party and Messages.
- When starting a party, you can now choose to create a new group or select an existing group. When you create a new group, it'll be saved even after the party has ended. You can start a new party with the same members by selecting the group that you previously created.
- You can now use your groups across Party and Messages. You can send messages to a group you created for a party, or start a party with a group you've messaged with.
- For groups of 3 or more members, the group owner can now remove members from the group. The group owner is the player that created the group.
- For groups of just you and one other player, you can no longer change the group name or image. Only the name and image of the other player displays.
- Messages has been added to the screen during parties. When you select Messages, you'll see the messages exchanged between members of your group.
- The public/private settings for parties have been removed. Only members of the group can join the party.
- You can now change your party settings from the options menu that displays on the screen when you select Party. You can also manage your party connection settings when you select Party Voice Chat Connection, which has been added to the party settings.
- Members of your party can now see when your mic is muted.
- You can now join parties even if there are members that you've blocked. When you join a party with a blocked member, or when a blocked member joins the party, you'll receive a notification. During the party, you won't hear each other, and the game you're playing, as well as your Share Play status, won't be displayed. In addition, the blocked member won't be notified that you've blocked them.
- Play Together sessions can no longer be started during a party. For online multiplayer games, you can start a game session from within the game.
Trophy levels are new.
- Your trophy level is a ranking determined by the total number of trophies you’ve earned. When you update your system software, you’ll see your new trophy level based on the trophies you’ve earned to date. Your new trophy level also appears when you sign in to PlayStation App, your PlayStation Vita system, or My PlayStation online.
- There won't be any changes to trophies you've already earned or trophy information, such as unlock requirements.
2-step verification is now available using authenticator apps.
- After entering your sign-in and password on your PS4, you can complete the sign-in process by allowing the app access.
- You can download authenticator apps from the App Store or Google Play™. We do not guarantee the functionality of all authenticator apps.
The following changes have been made to Parental Controls.
- Communicating with Other Players and Viewing Content Created by Other Players have been combined and are now Communication and User-Generated Content. If you've selected Not Allowed for either of the settings, the same setting will transfer after the update.
- Even with Communication and User-Generated Content set to Not Allowed, the in-game communication feature can now be used only for specific games that the family manager or parent/guardian has allowed. When a child sends a request during the game, the family manager or parent/guardian receives an email. Follow the instructions in the email to allow or restrict the use of the in-game communication features.
Other updated features
Mute All Microphones has been added to the quick menu under Sound/Devices.
- This setting mutes all microphones connected to your PS4.
The following changes have been made for when you use Remote Play on mobile devices and computers.
- On your device, you'll need to update PS Remote Play to the latest version.
- The button assignments that you set for your controller on your PS4 are now reflected when you use Remote Play.
- The screen design has been refreshed.
- Support for Android™5 and 6 is no longer available.
- Support for Windows 8.1 is no longer available.
Under Settings > Account Management > Privacy Settings, the following changes have been made.
- Under Gaming | Media, Trophies and Games have been combined and are now Gaming History. You can limit who can see the games you've played and the trophies you've earned.
- Under Gaming | Media, Online Status and Now Playing has been added. You can set limits on who can see your online status and the game you're currently playing.
- In Messages under Personal Info | Messaging, the content you can restrict has changed. You can limit who can invite you to parties and add you to groups. For example, the Friends Only setting previously displayed messages only from your friends, but now you can see messages from players other than your friends if they're in your group.
- Under Personal Info | Messaging, Mobile Availability has been removed.
The following changes have been made to Communities.
- When you create a new Community, you can no longer use By Request Only to limit members who can join. If you have an existing Community that is set to Anyone, you can no longer change it to By Request Only.
- You can no longer create parties from the Community screen. You'll need to create a group in Party.
You can no longer create a new event in Events.
- Events created before the update will still be held, and events and tournaments hosted by game developers will continue to take place.
For some features, the content displayed on the screen has changed, as well as the screen design.
App Store, iPad, iPhone, and Mac are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Google Play, the Google Play logo and Android are trademarks of Google LLC.
Restart PS4 system software download on PS4
If your PS4 system software automatic download is stuck, please delete the update and start again:
- Select Notifications from the PS4 function area, highlight the update file and press the OPTIONS button > Delete.
- Next, select Settings > System Software Update.
- If you experience multiple failed downloads, please update the PS4 system software using a USB.
Fix and Replace diagnostic tool
If you are having issues with your PS4 firmware update, please visit the Fix and Replace diagnostic tool for further steps and to arrange a repair.
Version 7.55
This system software update improves system performance.
Version 7.51
This system software update improves system performance.
Version 7.50
This system software update improves system performance.
Version 7.02
This system software update improves system performance.
Version 7.01
This system software update improves system performance.
Version 7.00
Main features in the system software update
- The following changes have been made to (Party).
The maximum number of people who can join a party has been increased from 8 to 16.
Chat transcription has been added, and accessibility has been improved. While in a party, use (PS4 Second Screen) *1 on your smartphone or other mobile device to convert party voice chat to text, or to enter text to have it read aloud to other party members.
This feature works only in English and is available only on PS4 systems sold in certain regions.
Network connectivity has been improved.
Audio quality of voice chat has been improved. - Remote Play can now be used on more devices.
Besides Xperia TM devices, Remote Play can now be used on other smartphones and tablets running Android™ 5.0 or higher*2. Download PS4 Remote Play from Google Play™ to use this feature.
Additionally, for mobile devices running Android 10, you can now connect a DUALSHOCK 4 wireless controller via Bluetooth®for Remote Play*2*3.
*1 Download the latest version of PS4 Second Screen, available from Google Play™ or the App Store.
*2 Remote Play may not be compatible with every device.
*3 Depending on the device, certain features such as the touch pad and the vibration function may not be available.
Other updated features
- When using Remote Play on an iPhone or iPad, you can now do the following things. Select [Settings] on the Remote Play screen to switch to these settings.
iPhone or iPad: The controller can now be displayed at all times. iPhone: You can now lock the screen orientation. - You can now use a DUALSHOCK 4 wireless controller via Bluetooth for Remote Play on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac*.
Update to the following OS to use this feature.
iOS 13
iPadOS 13
macOS Catalina
* Some features, such as the touch pad and the vibration function, may not be available on the iPhone and iPad.
"Xperia" is a trademark or registered trademark of Sony Mobile Communications AB.
App Store, iPad, iPhone, Mac, iPadOS and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
The Bluetooth®word mark and logo are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
Google Play, the Google Play logo and Android are trademarks of Google LLC. IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.
- Do not download or install the update using data other than the official update file provided online by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Do not download or install updates by methods other than those described in the system documentation or on this website. If you download or install update data from a different source, by a different method, or on a system that has been altered or modified in any way, the system might not operate properly and might not be able to install the official update data. Any of these actions can void the system warranty and affect your ability to obtain warranty services and repair services from Sony Interactive Entertainment.
- Do not install system software soon before or soon after a power outage.
- Do not turn off your system during the installation. Interrupting the installation can cause your system to be damaged.
- You might not be able to use some applications or content without first updating the system software.
System Software
By using or accessing the System Software, you agree to be bound by all current terms of this Agreement. To access a printable, current copy of this Agreement, go to http://doc.dl.playstation.net/doc/ps4-eula/.
Sony Interactive Entertainment, at its sole discretion, may modify the terms of this Agreement at any time, including any terms in the PS4 system documentation or manual, or http://doc.dl.playstation.net/doc/ps4-oss/index.html.
Please check back on this website from time to time for changes to this Agreement.