when downloading a file from 'http://j6785924.iavs9x.u.avast.com/iavs9x/servers.def.vpx'. 08:32:02Infodldwrap[3692,7456]GetFileWithRetry: 'servers.def.vpx' successfully downloaded and verified. 08:32:12Noticepackageinfo[3692,7456]IsFullOkay: avbugreport_ais-8b1.vpx - not okay (doesn't exist). RUN does not guarantee maliciousness or safety of the content. Software Creates files in the program directory Downloading file: prod-pgm.vpx. 2340 http://t7790561.iavs9x.u.avast.com/iavs9x/servers.def.vpx, unknown. 2017-06-26 10:37:49Infoservers[16716,16724]Server definition(s) loaded for [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from 'http://f5136535.iavs9x.u.avast.com/iavs9x/servers.def.vpx'. But because I can't update the virus database it is really bad for me with this workaround!
Avast cant download servers.def.vpx file - question
Avast cant download servers.def.vpx file - opinion