Hi, i want to know if anyone can help me, Im trying to install ARK but it goes BUT! if i download any other game from steam, without doing any changes, perfect, as i said, its only on ARK, any other game downloads fine who has it) download Payday 2, it takes FOREVER, regardless of internet speed. A new breed of open-world dinosaur survival game, now on Xbox One, PS4, and Steam Windows/Mac/Linux! Not an official support channel. 135k. Members. 1.1k. So today we had an update go through, and I noticed that Ark seems to update extremely slow on PC. Todays Patch took me just over 2 hours to downlo. a Speed Test mid patch and my service is at 220 download and 11 upload, so its not my connection. But ontopic, yes it can take up a pretty long time.
Ark surviaval evolved pc download taking so long - think