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Tahona - a free Adobe FrameMaker template
"Tahona - A Tequila driven, FrameMaker 2019 Template" is a 20th anniversary tribute to the original FrameMaker templates. It is built upon one of those, but with a modern twist.
This template is:
- in A4, which is a common european page size
- Colourful. It is based on a blue colour theme. Blue like the Blue Agave, which is used for making tequila :-)
- Bult using only Win10 default fonts. The fonts used are Corbel, Palatino Linotype and Courier New - all fonts which are shipped with Win10
- We have made a HTML5 settings file which makes it easy to publish to HTML5. The settings file make a nice conversion for better screen reading.
The templates HTML5 version may be seen here!
Bagazzo History Book - free FrameMaker template
The "Bagazzo History Book Template" is a free FrameMaker 2019 template. It comes with psd/png and FrameMaker FM and FrameMaker MIF files.
The layout size is 176 X 250 mm, which is the B5 size. B5 is a pretty common book size for reference works, artbooks etc.
The design is pretty simple and meant for books like a cultural history, an art history or a biography.
I have tried to keep the number of styles low and have made Object Styles for the anchored frames. I have also made and styled a Table of Contents and and Index.
The template is based on the font "Lucida Bright" and "Yu Gothic Light"
Have fun!
Blanco Manual
The "Blanco Manual" is the worlds first free Adobe FrameMaker 2020 template! It is an A5 template meant for software documentation, but it will adhere itself to most sorts of documentation/instructions, actually. It has been made for multi-volume publishing, with a a header which enable to volumes with different colour coding.
We have supplied the template with MIF files, making it possible for you to open the template in earlier versions of FrameMaker too.
Have fun!
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Free FrameMaker Templates
Graphic design and development in Adobe Technical Communication Suite
V. Bjørn Smalbro
Industriparken 23
2750 Ballerup
Phone: 20 96 09 19
