Saving a GIF on Twitter on PC/Mac/Android/iPhone
That immediate urge to saving a GIF on Twitter is something we all come across. A lot of them are so hilarious that we wish to use them and share them to our friends and family outside.
Once you know how to save a GIF, you can also schedule your GIF using Circleboom to be posted on your Twitter profile. Please make sure to mention the source from where you have downloaded the GIF/video while sharing on your Twitter profile. Twitter is very particular about using other’s content and this can get your account suspended or locked out.
As per the Twitter rules:
Your Twitter account can be considered as a spamming account if you repeatedly post other people’s account information as your own (e.g., bio, Tweets, profile URL, etc.);
Now, if you’ve tried saving your GIF from your Twitter the conventional right-click way, it would not have worked. That’s simply because Twitter converts all your GIFs to small videos and you can’t right-click and save videos on Twitter.
So, saving a GIF on Twitter would require another approach. Before we get in the details on how to save a GIF, let’s first learn how to copy a link of any GIF from Twitter.
How to Copy Link of any GIF/Video on Twitter on PC:
Step 1: Go to the video/GIF tweet that you wish to download.
Step 2: Click on the arrow icon at the bottom of the video next to the heart button.
Step 3: Select “Copy link to tweet” and this will copy your GIF/video link to your clipboard.
How to Copy Link of any GIF/Video on Twitter on a Mobile Device:
Step 1: Go to the video/GIF tweet that you wish to download.
Step 2: Click on the small dropdown icon next to the name and date of the tweet.
Step 3: Select “Copy link to tweet” and this will copy your GIF/video link to your clipboard.
After following the steps above on how to copy link on Twitter, you will find it incredibly easy to use any third-party apps for mobiles and desktops to download Twitter video. You can try to use Circleboom Twitter video Downloader
Saving a GIF on Twitter on PC/Mac:
You can either use Chrome extensions or websites to save a GIF from Twitter on a PC.
Chrome extensions are huge time savers as they do not need any link copy-paste. They have a download button at your extension bar that you can click on to download any GIF from your Twitter profile.
Extensions like Free Video Downloader can help you download GIFs and videos not just from Twitter but also from other social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok.
Saving a GIF on Twitter on Android:
Android has many free apps that allow you to save GIFs and videos on Twitter for free. A quick search on “Twitter video downloaders” on your Play Store will give you many apps that you can instantly use.
When using any of the mobile apps, make sure you are only using apps that use oAuth to log you in to Twitter and do not give your username or password to any app. Learn more about safeguarding your Twitter while using third-party apps here.
Saving a GIF on Twitter on iOS:
Unlike Android, iOS works slightly differently. For iOS, you need to download a file manager app like My Media to save a GIF. You can find this app on the App store and install it to download any GIF on your iOS phone.
To end with:
Once you install a video download app on your phone and install a Chrome extension on your PC, it will take you a few seconds to download any video or GIF from Twitter.
Harshita Agrawal
Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.