Maya Bonus Tools Resource Page - BonusTools 2018 Available
- Welcome to the Maya BonusTools Resource Page -
Here you will find links to installers, useful info, tutorials and updates related to Maya BonusTools. This page will be continually updated with new information, so bookmark it and check back later for more updates. Feel free to provide feedback and suggestions in the comments section below. For more Maya related info, tips and tricks, customer stories, and event info be sure to also check out (and like) the My Oh Maya FaceBook page...
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!! BonusTools is now available for Maya 2018 !!
The BonusTools installers for Maya 2018 are available for download on the Autodesk Maya Apps Exchange -> BonusTools 2018
ote that the installer works for older versions as well going back to Maya 2015.
BonusTools is also available for Maya LT
BonusTools has consistently been one of the most requested improvements on the Maya LT forums. You can now download the installation package here -> MayaLT_BonusTools.
Note: The installation process for Maya LT is different. See the README.txt file in the zip folder for instruction on how to install. While the current zip file says "2016" it will also work with more recent versions including Maya LT 2017 and 2018. We plan to officially update BT for Maya LT 2017 soon so stay tuned.
- BonusTools Tutorials -
Note: If you have having trouble opening and of the links below, simply right click on the link and select "open in new window"
UV Editing
BonusTools 2017 Review -> BonusTools2017
BonusTools 2016.5 Review -> BonusTools 2016.5
BonusTools 2016 Review -> BonusTools 2016
BonusTools 2015 Review -> BonusTools 2015
BonusTools 2014 Review -> BonusTools 2014
Maya 2014 3dsImport plugins
The 3dsImport plugin is included in the 2016 installation. However it was inadvertantly left out of the 2014 installation. You can get the precompiled plugins for that version here...
Mac - 3dsImport plugin (2014)
Window - 3dsImport plugin (2014)
Legacy BonusTools Installers
BonusTools installers for older versions of Maya (pre-2014) can still be found on the Area -> Legacy Maya BonusTools Installers. Keep in mind that older versions will not contain all of the tools that were added in later releases.