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Brand New Style Software designed exclusively by Carillon for Roland Instruments
Carillon Styles are only available directly from this web site and are written by our in house team of dedicated writers. So if your keyboard does not have a style for a song you wish to play or you just want something new to inspire you, then we probably have the answer.
Style Disk Collections - We have four categories of style disks for Roland instruments:
Professional Style Disks designed for G70, GW8, E-A7, E09, E50, E60, E80, BK3, BK5, BK5OR, BK7M, BK9, Prelude, Atelier 800 & 900C and AT75
Advanced Style Disks designed for E100 / 200, G600, G800, RA800, G1000, EM2000, VA3, VA5, VA7, VA76, EXR series, GW7
Standard Style Disks designed for E66, E86, E96, RA95, G600, G800, RA800
Classic Style Disksdesigned for Atelier Organs, KR Pianos, E300, E500 and E600
Single Styles - We have three categories of single styles for Roland instruments:
Professional Single Stylesdesigned for G70, GW8, E-A7, E09, E50, E60, E80, BK3, BK5, BK5OR, BK7M, BK9, Prelude, Atelier 800 & 900C and AT75
Advanced Single Stylesdesigned for Style Software for the G600, G800, RA800, G1000, EM2000, VA3, VA5, VA7, VA76, EXR series, GW7
Standard Single Stylesdesigned for E66, E86, E96, RA95, G600, G800, RA800
How It Works
It's simple! choose the style/s &/or disk/s you would like to order, add them to the cart and pay with your credit/debit card or PayPal account. Once your order is processed you then wait for the disk to be delivered by the postman or if you selected the "free instant download option" you can go to your account and download the styles straight away. Then just copy the files from your computer onto a floppy disk or USB stick as required. Take the disk or stick to your instrument plugin and load in the normal way.
Our styles are usually designed for general use although we often have a particular song in mind (see our suggested song list for each disk). Special Intro's for general style disks: Intro's two and three are our normal all singing and dancing type's, however in most cases, we have changed intro one. Instead of the usual drum tap intro each now has a four-bar intro based on one chord. This will enable you to play your own chords during these first four intro bars.
And Finally
If you have not ordered from us before you just might wonder how good our styles are. Not sure if you are ordering a decent product? Well in this world we don't blame anyone for doubting so we have included mp3 audio files on each disks details page so that you can listen first and then buy with confidence!
See our style list below and Be Inspired!