How to download minecraft on ti 84 plus ce - certainly. Yes
TimmyTurner51 / 2D-Minecraft-CE
A 2D Minecraft clone for the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator. Check out here: https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15243&start=80 for more information.
UPDATE ON THIS PROJECT: This project has, for now, been cancelled. However, I am currently working on a new and improved version of this, coded in C (also for the TI-84 Plus CE). That project will not be complete for a while, and I do have people helping with the project. We're making progress, but it'll be a while. Until then, you can try this game, but I don't recommend it that much anymore...
To build, grab the ICE Compiler py PT_ from github or cemetech.net. Run the compiler and select MCLITESC, which is the source program. To run the pre-built version, run MCLITE from the PRGM menu or from your favorite shell!
Controls: In menus:
Arrow keys - Move cursor
[y=]-[graph] - Only function on certain menus, where extra controls are shown in gray on bottom part of the screen
[enter] - select choice
[clear] - exit the menu, cancel selection
In-game Inventory Controls are same as in menus, with few exceptions: Furnaces are usable, but RAM resets usually happen! The furnaces will be updated soon!
Arrow keys - move player
[2nd] - Inventory
[del] - delete block
[alpha], [stat], [mode], [apps] - Block cursor.
[prgm] - Chat (not added yet, as of BETA v4.0.0)
[clear] - Quit game.
All thanks goes to the whole cemetech community.
LogicalJoe - Provided Texture Packs and the MINECRAFT logo. Also, LogicalJoe is my modivation to finish this project.
Beckadamtheinventor - Provided his version of the MINECRAFT logo. This logo was used in one version of Minecraft, but that logo appvar was removed unfortunately. I do appreciate the help from him. However, LogicalJoe's logo was accepted because I do not want to use a game's full name from a platform, like Pocket Edition.
There are so many programmers who have helped. I'd you to check them out in my development forum: https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15243&start=120
Please, don't hesitate to ask me a question, simply PM me on cemetech @TimmyTurner62.
You can check out an older preview on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO1J95dctNs Thank you for the support!