Download programming kubernetes pdf

Download programming kubernetes pdf

download programming kubernetes pdf

Chapter 1. Introduction Programming Kubernetes can mean different things to different people. In this chapter, we'll first establish the scope and focus of this. Download the O'Reilly App. Apple app store Google play store. Take O'Reilly online learning with you and learn anywhere, anytime on your phone and. Learn how to build, deploy, and scale modern applications in the cloud. Download for free.

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From the Preface

Who Should Read This Book

You’re a developer going cloud-native, or an AppOps, or namespace admin wanting to get the maximum out of Kubernetes. Vanilla settings don’t do it for you anymore, and you may have learned about extension points. Good. You’re in the right place.

What is Programming Kubernetes?

Programming Kubernetes can mean different things to different people... We assume you have access to a running Kubernetes cluster such as Amazon EKS, Microsoft AKS, Google GKE, or one of the OpenShift offerings.

We also assume that you are a Go programmer—that is, you have experience or at least basic familiarity with the Go language.

By “programming Kubernetes” in the context of this book, we mean the following: you are about to develop a Kubernetes-native application that directly interacts with the API server, querying the state of resources and/or updating their state.

We do not mean running off-the-shelf apps, such as WordPress or Rocket Chat or your favorite enterprise CRM system, oftentimes called commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS) apps.

So, in a nutshell, this book is about developing genuinely cloud-native applications.

Why We Wrote This Book

Both of us have been contributing to, writing about, teaching, and using Kubernetes since early 2015.

We have developed tooling and apps for Kubernetes and given workshops about developing on and with Kubernetes a couple of times. At some point we said, “Why don’t we write a book?” This would allow even more people, asynchronously and at their own pace, to learn how to program Kubernetes. And here we are. We hope you have as much fun reading the book as we did writing it.

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