Download open vpn country files

Download open vpn country files

download open vpn country files

VPN software allows you to establish a secure connection to a place you trust (in.​.. any open ports, services, or services (e.g. Windows File Sharing or To use the Sonic VPN service, first download the OpenVPN client by going to Access Server Hostname:; Username; NOTE: this will. Download OpenVPN configuration files. Select the country you want the configuration file(s) for. All. Austria. Australia. Canada. Switzerland. Germany. To use a VPN, you have to install the OpenVPN software on the local PC and then configure it. In the Access section, you can download a zip file with the necessary server security certificate, e.g. ca.crt; client security certificate, e.g. download open vpn country files

Can: Download open vpn country files


VPN Service

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. VPN software allows you to establish a secure connection to a place you trust (in this case, Sonic) over the top of your existing internet connection.

Why would I want to use a VPN client?

A VPN connection is useful to ensure the data you send over public networks is secure. For instance, if you're at a coffee shop and need to do some online banking over a public WiFi connection, initiating a connection to our VPN client first adds an extra layer of protection against eavesdroppers.

If you're traveling and have to use an internet provider that censors content or records your private information, our VPN client ensures your information is in the hands of someone you trust.

Is the VPN Service available to anyone?

Yes, the service is available to all Sonic connectivity customers.

Are there security concerns when using the VPN client?

Yes! Establishing a VPN connection through Sonic allows your computer to be addressed directly from anywhere on the internet. Normally, your residential gateway acts as an intermediary and blocks any traffic to your computer that you did not initiate.

We highly recommend you use a software firewall and ensure your computer has the latest security updates before establishing a VPN connection. Without a firewall on your computer, any open ports, services, or services (e.g. Windows File Sharing or Remote Desktop) will likely be exposed to the open internet from the VPN address assigned to your computer while connected.

Your operating system or anti-virus software may have a built in firewall that can be enabled for additional protection. Consult with your manufacturer for more information.

Can I use the VPN service from anywhere?

Yes, there are no location based restrictions at this time.

Is there a session timeout?

No, not at this time.

Are any ports blocked?

Yes, port 25 (SMTP) is blocked both in and out of the VPN service.

What Sonic service do I need in order to use the VPN client?

Any customer with internet access or web hosting through Sonic can use the VPN client with their main Sonic account login.

To use the Sonic VPN service, first download the OpenVPN client by going to and logging in with your main account's Sonic username and password. Download the installation file for your operating system. Linux users will be directed to a link to download the OpenVPN software with a package manager of their choice.

Android and Linux users will need to download your connect profile from as well.

From the program, you'll be able to connect to the VPN service when you wish to use it.

Windows Setup

Save and then run the Windows installer. The installation will finish automatically and prompt you to log in. Use your main Sonic account to log in.

You will receive a warning about allowing a VPN connection to Click Yes to continue.

After you've authenticated, you can find the OpenVPN icon in your systray with a green checkmark to indicate a successful connection. You can right-click on the icon to connect, disconnect or close the program.

Apple Setup

Download the installation file and double-click on the .pkg file to open it. Depending on your security preferences, you may receive the following message stating that the file is from an unidentified developer.

To bypass this security precaution, click the Apple icon on the top left hand corner of the screen, and go to System Preferences. Click the Security and Privacy section. In the Security and Privacy section, you'll see a button labeled "Open Anyway" allowing you to launch the OpenVPN software.

This will launch the OpenVPN installation wizard. Click continue.

You'll need to agree to the terms and conditions.

The installation software is lightweight, and you should not need to change its location.

Click Yes to allow VPN connections to

You'll now have an icon for OpenVPN at the top-right corner of your screen, next to your wireless network indicator. You can use this button to toggle your VPN connection on and off.

iOS Setup

Search the App Store for "OpenVPN Connect,” and download it. Once it’s finished downloading tap “Open” to open it.

Choose "Access Server"

On the next screen, tap "Agree" to agree to to OpenVPN's Terms of Service.

Next, enter the following information:

  • Access Server Hostname:
  • Username; NOTE: this will cause the username so be popped into the "Title" portion, leave that be.
  • password, same for Membertools/Webmail
  • And finally, click add.

To enable the VPN, toggle the on/off switch, enter your password, and press "Connect".

Note: If prompted to "Allow OpenVPN to enable VPN connection" tap "yes."

Once OpenVPN has successfully connected you will see "Connected" under the profile name as well as the "VPN" icon in the menu bar between the time and the battery indicator.

To disconnect from the service toggle the switch under "Connected."

Android Setup

Clicking on the OpenVPN Connect for Android download link will bring you to the Google Play Store, where you can download and install the OpenVPN Connect app.

After downloading the OpenVPN app, once again browse to and click the link at the bottom to download the connection profile for yourself. Then click Open.

Clicking open will launch the OpenVPN Connect app and prompt you to import your Sonic profile. Click Accept to continue.

To establish a VPN connection, type your Sonic password in the password window and click Connect.

That's it! You should see a status saying OpenVPN: Connected. Your OpenVPN status will remain in the Notification Bar while you're connected.

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Download open vpn country files

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