Over time, emerging anti-money laundering (AML) and PEP-specificlegislation would make PEP due diligence a legal requirement for most regulatedfinancial service providers and, more recently, many other sectors and industries as well.II. Formulation of PEP Definition(A).FATF DefinitionFollowing the bitter experiences of banking institutions, particularly those of theSwiss banks, the situation demanded a proper mechanism to deal with PEP customers. Tohelp with the mechanism, it calls for a suitable definition which the financial institutionscould fully understand and take appropriate preventive measures to protect the industry.In this regard, FATF 2 Recommendation 6 prescribes the recommendation forfinancial institutions as follows:FATF recommendation 6:“Financial institutions should, in relation to politically exposed persons,in addition to performing normal due diligence measures:a) Have appropriate risk management systems to determine whetherthe customer is a politically exposed person.b) Obtain senior management approval for establishing businessrelationships with such customers.”As for the qualifying criteria of a PEP, the FATF formulated the followingdefinition:‘Politically Exposed Persons’ (PEPs) are individuals who are or havebeen entrusted with prominent public functions in a foreign country, forexample Heads of State or of government, senior politicians, seniorgovernment, judicial or military officials, senior executives of state ownedcorporations, important political party officials. Business relationshipswith family members or close associates of PEPs involve reputationalrisks similar to those with PEPs themselves. The definition is not intendedto cover middle ranking or more junior individuals in the foregoingcategories.”While the above definition, as it is, applies only to PEPs of foreign origin, theaccompanying Interpretative Note states “Countries are encouraged to extend the2 FATF = Financial Action Task Force, established in Paris in 1989 by the G7 Summit and currentlycomposed of 31 members countries and two regional organizations, serves as an international standardsetter in matters relating to money laundering and terrorist financing.2
Informacja o klęsce powodzi w 2010 województwie roku w 2010 rokuRyc. 10.4. Mapa rozkładu zasięgu wód powodziowych w rejonie Tarnobrzega w dniu 19 maja 2010 r.[4], [91], [9], [17]Ryc. 10.5. Wody powodziowe na obszarze miast Tarnobrzeg i Sandomierz, maj 2010 r. [37]152152
III. Thailand and PEP FactorThere is no specific reference to PEPs in Thailand’s anti-moneylaundering (AML) laws. As outlined earlier, the definition of PEPs and due diligencerequirements are dealt with in others such as the abovementioned Policy Statements andNotification, which unfortunately are devoid of consistency in their terminology andexplanation. Besides, the Policy Statements are being seen as legally unenforceable, so itbecomes necessary to make a new law or regulation to deal with PEPs in order to complywith the international standards.However, in the context of anti-corruption measures, there is an organiclaw, i.e. The Organic Act on Counter Corruption, B.E. 2542 (1999), that defined PEPsand their duties to report their assets and liabilities. Under this Act, PEPs include: (1)persons holding political positions; (2) civil servants; (3) judicial officers; and (4)military officials. The asset reporting requirement is just meant for transparency in thepublic view, and not for investigating the income and movement of finances in order toprove good conduct and good faith.As regards defining PEPs according to international standards, in the caseof Thailand – unlike other developed countries with federal state structure where theyhave strong anti-corruption mechanisms – there is obviously a need to start at the locallevel to define the characteristics of local PEPs. For instance, persons who can managelocal budgets are not only the local administration officials, i.e. provincial administrativeorganization and district administrative organizations inclusive of members of suchorganizations. Then, it can go on to the next level – central level – where PEPs willinclude persons holding political positions in government and those in opposition,members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, cabinet ministers – inclusive ofthe prime minister – and civil servants holding executive positions at any department,bureau, or office. In addition, the role of persons who have retired from political positionsor executive positions needs to be considered as well. For, although they may havealready retired, they could still exert some great influence or have relationship withexisting PEPs in the ruling party or the opposition for about 3-5 years. In view of this, itmay need to define a retired person as a PEP in a 5-year span.Regarding the issue of family and close person – who can be termed as“exposed persons” (EPs) – under Thai family relationship concepts they include: spouse,children, children’s spouses, parents, brothers and sisters (inclusive of parents, brothersand sisters of their spouses). Besides, there are two other types of persons required forfinancial scrutiny: (1) staff or servants of PEPs, who received transfers of securities orhuge amounts of money larger than their relationship could suggest; and (2) any otherperson having no relationship with PEPs but received the transfer of securities orproperties from PEPs. These two types of persons are “nominees” of PEPs; they are theones PEPs now use as a trick to transfer their securities or properties.6
elieve that the reader will begin to understand why I have resortedto this strategy as they peruse my book.And lastly, I would like the reader to understand that Ihave attempted to keep my comments and or opinions to aminimum in this book. I believe that the evidence that I willpresent stands on its own and should be adequate to convinceeven the most ardent skeptic. It will need little if anyexplanation from me.In summary, then, I am hopeful that the reader will agreewith me that I have succeeded in exposing a monumental truththat has escaped the overwhelming majority of the historians ofthe past.X
ABOUT THE MATERIALI am convinced that the average reader will find it difficultto accept the conclusions in this book. However, that does notmean that the evidence is incorrect; it merely indicates thatmost people will consider those conclusions to be simply too incredibleto be believed.But, because of the implications for the future of not onlythe United States but of theworld, if I am correct, it is imperativethat this material be considered, by as many as is possible.For this reason, I have attempted to keep the contents of thisbook as readable as I could.I am hopeful that each reader will be as dutiful as theaverage jury member. Anyone who has served on a jury willremember being admonished by the judge to remain open asthey consider the evidence to be presented throughout the trial.The juror is instructed to ignore any previous prejudices and tocarefully weigh the evidence presented.I can ask no more.My goal is to have a positive impact on reversing the plansof those who are altering our future. Obviously, to accomplishthat task, I must convince as many as I can that I am correctin my assertions.I amtherefore hopeful that each reader of this materialwill accept my challenge and remember the admonition of thejudge: be honestly open and dutifully consider the evidence thatwill presented.XI
INTRODUCTIONSomething is wrong in America!Today's newspapers are full of stories about the rampantrise in divorce rates; the increasing abuse of children by someparents; increases in the incidence of rape; pornography beingread by an increasing number of people; more crimes againstproperty; demands for world government; urgings for nationalborders to fall; Christian churches being closed because theywill not seek licensing by the state; etc.But why are these things happening? Why are all of thelegacies of the past, the family, national borders, the right topractice any chosen religion, the right to private property,amongst other things, under such attack? Is it possible thatthere are actually people and organizations who really wantto change the basic order of things?Clues to the answers to these questions can be gleanedfrom some comments made by people and organizations thatare talking about these wide-reaching changes in the natureof our lifestyle.An Associated Press dispatch on July 26, 1968 reported:xii
INTRODUCTIONAdolf Hitler, a Socialist, and the head of the German governmentprior to and during that nation's involvement inWorld War II, is quoted as saying:"... National socialism will use its own revolutionfor the establishing of a newworldorder." 6He confided to Herman Rauschning, the President of theDanzig Senate:"National Socialism is more than a religion; it isthe will to create superman." 7Hitler added this thought:"Well, yes! We are barbarians, and barbarians wewish to remain. It does us honor. It is we who willrejuvenate theworld.The present world is near its end. Our only taskis to sack it." 8Another book on his background quoted his commentsthat his NAZI (National Socialist) Party had a hiddenpurpose, one that was not perceived by theworld at large.Mr. Hitler was quoted as saying:"He who has seen in National Socialism only apolitical movement has seen nothing." 9The Humanist religion issued a manifesto in 1933 statingits beliefs about theworld in general. It took the followingposition about the need for the wealthy governments to sharetheir wealth with the less fortunate nations:"It is the moral obligation of the developednations to provide — through an internationalauthority - ... economic assistance ... to the developingportions of the globe." 10The April, 1974 issue of Foreign Affairs, the quarterlyperiodical issued by the Council on Foreign Relations in NewYork, had an article in it by Richard N. Gardner, the formerDeputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organi-xiv
INTRODUCTIONJust what the future society was that these people aretalking about was described, in a brief manner, by MarilynFerguson in her book entitled THE AQUARIAN CON-SPIRACY. She wrote:"The newworld is the old ~ transformed." 19Another clue about what is in store for the future worldwas offered by Dr. James H. Billington, who received hisdoctorate as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, and hastaught at Harvard and Princeton Universities. He wrote thisin his book entitled FIRE IN THE MINDS OF MEN:"This book seeks to trace the origins of a faith -perhaps THE faith of our time.What is new is the belief that a perfect secular[meaning worldly] order will emerge from the forcibleoverthrow of traditional authority." 20That these future changes would involve force and slaverywas confirmed by B. F. Skinner, chairman of the PsychologyDepartment at Harvard University, in his book entitledBEYOND FREEDOM AND DIGNITY. Dr. Skinner has beencalled "... the most influential of living American psychologists"by Time magazine. So theworld should listen tothe professor when he speaks. The magazine told the readerwhat the message of Professor Skinner's book was:"We can no longer afford freedom, and so it mustbe replaced with control over man, his conduct and hisculture." 21Another student of these changes is Alvin Toffler, whowrote this in his book entitled THE THIRD WAVE:"A new civilization is emerging in our lives ....This new civilization brings with it new family styles;changed ways of working, loving and living; a neweconomy; new political conflicts; and beyond all this analtered consciousness as well.The dawn of this new civilization is the singlemost explosive fact of our lifetimes." 22xvii
INTRODUCTIONAnother scientist involved in commenting upon the futurechanges was Dr. Carl Sagan. He has observed:"It's clear that sometime relatively soon in terms ofthe lifetime of the human species people will identifywith the entire planet and the species ...." 23The reason why these changes are necessary was explainedby Manly P. Hall, perhaps theworld's leadingauthority on esoteric words and language. He wrote in hisbook entitled LECTURES ON ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY:"The time has not yet arrived when the averageman is strong enough or wise enough to rule himself." 24And he explained who he considered worthy enough torule those on theworld considered by the experts to be incapableof governing themselves. He wrote:"Never will peace reign upon the earth until we areruled by the fit." 25Mr. Hall even indicated that these changes would occursoon. He wrote this comment in his book previously cited:"One hundred years ago [meaning in 1884] it waspredicted that within a few centuries men would revertto the gods of Plato and Aristotle ....We may all look forward with eager anticipation tothat nobler day when the gods of philosophy once moreshall rule theworld ...." 26Aldous Huxley, in his book called BRAVE NEW WORLDREVISITED, quotes a character called the Grand Inquisitorin one of Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoevski's parables as saying:"In the end they [the people] will lay their freedomat our [the controller's] feet and say to us 'make us yourslaves, but feed us.'" 27The Tucson Citizen newspaper of November 3, 1988printed a photograph of a some people involved in a "marchfor literacy," and it clearly demonstrated that at least somexvm
INTRODUCTIONpeople in America are now asking their government to makethem their slaves. The picture showed a demonstratorcarrying a picket sign that read:"Uncle Sam, we want you to support us." 28Mr. Huxley gave us a date when we could expect thesechanges to occur. He wrote the following in his book writtenin 1958:"... the twenty-first century ... will be the era ofWorld Controllers ...." 29And then he told us why these "controllers" would notfail:"The older dictators fell because they could neversupply their subjects with enough bread, enoughcircuses enough miracles and mysteries.Under a scientific dictatorship education willreally work ~ with the result that most men andwomen will grow up to love their servitude and willnever dream of revolution.There seems to be no good reason why athoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever beoverthrown." 30Someone who might have given theworldthe date for thecommencement of these predicted changes was ZbigniewBrzezinski, President Jimmy Carter's National SecurityAdvisor during his four year administration. He wrote thefollowing in his book entitled BETWEEN TWO AGES:"Either 1976 or 1989" -- the two hundredthanniversary of the Constitution — could serve as asuitable target date for culminating a nationaldialogue on the relevance of existing arrangements,the workings of the representative process, and thedesirability of imitating the various Europeanregionalization reforms and of streamlining theadministrative structure." 31xix
INTRODUCTION1. Those in favor of the changes will have become seatedin the very thrones of power, generally without thepublic realizing that fact;2. The "old worldorder" will be destroyed piece by piece,by a series of planned "nibbles" at the establishedformat.The Communist Party is actively supporting the changesto the "newworldorder."The basic tenets of Christianity, which were the base forthe "old worldorder," will have to be eliminated.If the slower, methodical techniques of change do notfunction, violence will be introduced and controlled by theplanners.The people of theworld will give up their freedom to the"controllers" because there will be a planned famine, or someother serious occurrence, such as a depression or war.The change to the "New World Order" is coming shortly,perhaps beginning after 1989. However, if that is not theyear, it will be introduced one step at a time, so that theentire structure will be in place by the year 1999.xxi
TheGreat Sealof theUnited StatesObverseSide
Chapter 1Tomorrow's RulersSomething is indeed wrong in America!And many sense that changes in this nation's lifestyle areoccurring.The newspapers are saturated with articles reporting theactivities of those advocating increased governmental spendingfor a variety of unconstitutional purposes; organizationssupporting a globalism concept urge theworld to adopt a oneworld government; psychologists preaching the destruction ofthe family unit and recommending that the society rear thenation's children; governments closing private schools; andnations forming regional governments under which nationalborders are scheduled to disappear.Since these changes appear to be part of thenewphilosophy known as "thenewworldorder," anyone desiringto know the future has to become familiar with this newphrase and what it portends for theworld of tomorrow.As an indication that major changes are coming in tomorrow'sworld, one of the current trends mentioned is the1
CHAPTER 1 TOMORROW'S RULERScall for a "one-world government." One of those supportingthis leap forward is Norman Cousins, President of the WorldFederalist Society. He is on record as saying:"World government is coming. In fact, it isinevitable. No arguments for it or against it canchange that fact." 32The goal of a one world government is not a newthought. One of the earliest formal organizations that supportedthe concept of that goal was the Illuminati, founded onMay 1st, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt, a teacher of Canon Lawat the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, now part of Germany.Professor Weishaupt was quoted as saying:"It is necessary to establish a universal regimeand empire over the whole world ...." 33A more modern organization that supports the comingchanges is the Masonic Order called, simply, the Freemasonsor the Masons. This world wide fraternity has members inAmerica, as will be discussed, and they, too, support a callfor a one world government. One who has written about thissecret organization is Paul Fisher, and he says this aboutthem in his book entitled BEHIND THE LODGE DOOR:"Masonry will eventually rule theworld." 34Albert Pike, the Sovereign Grand Commander of theScottish Rite of Freemasonry here in the United States from1850 to 1891 wrote a book entitled MORALS AND DOGMA.Mr. Pike has been praised by his fellow Masons as a memberalmost without parallel in the history of the Masonic Order.Carl Claudy, himself a Masonic writer of great esteem, wrotethis about him:"Albert Pike: one of the greatest geniuses Freemasonryhas ever known. He was a mystic, a symbolist,a teacher of the hidden truths of Freemasonry." 352
CHAPTER 1 TOMORROW'S RULERSSo, the outsider can know that whenever Mr. Pikespeaks, he speaks with authority and knowledge. He isperhaps the greatest Masonic writer of all time.His book is given to each Scottish Rite Southern JurisdictionFreemason who is asked to read it. (There seems to be adifference of opinion as to whether or not this book is stillrequired reading for each Scottish Rite Mason. This writerwas told that it was given to each Scottish Rite Mason inTucson. Other Masons say that that is not true.) In it, heinforms thenew Mason about the moral teachings of the MasonicLodge. He instructs the Masonic reader that the Orderwill eventually be asked to rule the entire globe. He wrote:"... the World will soon come to us for itsSovereigns [apparently referring to its governmentalleaders] and Pontiffs [apparently meaning its religiousleaders.]We shall constitute the equilibrium of the universe,and be rulers over the Masters of the World." 36He wrote this supportive statement in a book entitledLEGENDA:"And thus the warfare against the powers of evilthat crushed the Order of the Temple goes steadily on,and Freedom marches ever onward toward the conquestof theworld." 37The Order of the Temple Mr. Pike was writing about wasthe Knights Templar, which was, according to him,"devoted to the cause of opposition to the tiara [thePope's triple crown] and the crowns of Kings ...." 38Mr. Pike said that the Catholic Church was a "power ofevil ..." because it had "crushed" the Templars, even thoughhe admitted that they were "devoted" to opposition to theChurch and its leader, the Pope.But the major point of that quote is that these forces ofopposition, presumably meaning the Masons, are marching"onward toward the conquest of theworld."3
CHAPTER 1 TOMORROW'S RULERSMr. Pike repeated his devotion to the conquest of theworld, with this comment at the end of his book entitledMORALS AND DOGMA:"Such, my Brother, is the TRUE WORD of a MasterMason; such the true ROYAL SECRET, whichmakes possible, and shall at length make real, theHOLY EMPIRE of true Masonic Brotherhood." 39But, the major worldwide movement that champions aone world government, under a religious leader, is a newphenomena occurring worldwide called. The New Age Movement.Texe Marrs, a researcher into this new religion, haswritten two books on the subject. Both of these books areexcellent primers for those who wish to know more about thebeliefs of this religion. The two books are entitled DARKSECRETS OF THE NEW AGE, and MYSTERY MARK OFTHE NEW AGE. He has written:"The New Age Movement has undeniably takenon the definite form of a religion, complete with anagreed-upon body of doctrine, printed scripture, apattern of worship and ritual, a functioning group ofministers and lay leaders." 40Another writer who has written two books on the NewAge religion is Constance Cumbey. Her two books are calledTHE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW, and APLANNED DECEPTION. She has written this:"The New Age Movement is a religion completewith its own Bibles, prayers and mantras, VaticanCity/Jerusalem equivalents, priests and gurus, bornagainexperiences (they call it 'rebirthing,') spirituallaws and commandments, psychics and prophets andnearly every other indicia of a religion." 41The new religion has a series of leaders. One is a womannamed Alice Bailey, a prolific writer on the subject of theNew Age. She was the founder of an organization called theArcane School, one of the major Lucis Trust divisions. TheLucis Trust was a major publisher of books supporting thereligion. In her book entitled THE EXTERNALIZATION OF4
CHAPTER 1 TOMORROW'S RULERSTHE HIERARCHY, she told her readers who the organizationswere that were going to bring the New Age religion totheworld. She identified them as being:"The three main channels through which thepreparation for the New Age is going on might beregarded as the Church, the Masonic Fraternity andthe educational field." 42(The main thrust of this book will to be to examine onlyone of the three organizations mentioned by this author, thatbeing the Masonic Fraternity. There are numerous works byother writers exposing the involvement of the Church and theeducational field in the New Age Movement, so this writerwill not attempt to duplicate those efforts. However, only afew are aware of the involvement of the Masons, and that iswhy I have chosen to concentrate on that organization.)Another major writer on the New Age Movement isBenjamin Creme, and he admitted in his book entitled THEREAPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST AND THE MASTORSOF WISDOM that:"The new religion will manifest, for instance,through organizations like Masonry. In Freemasonryis imbedded the core of the secret of the occultMysteries." 43So Masonry conceals a great mystery inside its temples,one that is connected somehow to the New Age Movement.The Masons admit in some of their writings that they tooare anticipating a new age, a series of major changes. HenryClausen, the past Sovereign Grand Commander (the equivalentof their President) of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,has been quoted as saying:"We look towards a transforming into a New Ageusing, however, the insight and wisdom of the ancientmystics." 44The Masons claim that the things that they believe in areas old as the ancient civilizations. They also claim that these"mystics," the ancient philosophers, had the wisdom of allages, and that somehow this knowledge has become lost5
CHAPTER 1 TOMORROW'S RULERSthrough, the centuries. Humanity today does not possess thisknowledge, but it has become the task of the Masons, andother "truth" seekers, to rediscover these principles for thebenefit of all of mankind. Those possessing this knowledgewill correct theworld's current problems. Some of the Masonsalso claim to have identified the cause of these problems.One of the most prolific writers on the subject of this"lost" truth is Manly P. Hall, a 33rd degree Mason.(For those unfamiliar with the Masonic degrees, allMasons in America start through what is called the BlueLodge, consisting of three degrees. The initiate into this lodgegoes through three separate and different initiation ceremonies,one for each degree. After completing these ceremonies,he may stay where he is, or choose to affiliate himselfwith either the York Rite or the Scottish Rite. The latter isdivided into two separate jurisdictions, the Southern and theNorthern. These are based primarily on state borders, andwhether one joins one or the other depends on where the initiatelives. The two Scottish rites have an additional 29degrees, making for a total of 32. There is one more degree,called the 33rd degree, which is honorary, and only a few areinvited into that degree.The York Rite has a total of nine degrees. However, sincelittle has been revealed about this order, the author willconcentrate on only the Scottish Rite, and in particular, theSouthern Jurisdiction.)Mr. Hall has written a book entitled LECTURES ON AN-CIENT PHILOSOPHY in which he talks a great deal aboutthe Masonic fraternity. This is his comment about the comingchanges:"A new day is dawning for Freemasonry. Fromthe insufficiency of theology and the hopelessness ofmaterialism, men are turning to seek the God of philosophy."45Notice that Mr. Hall has said that current "theology," obviouslycurrent "religion," has proven insufficient. Also, hefeels that "materialism," meaning the right to private property,is also a failure. But more importantly, he points out thatthis new "God" of the Freemasons is somehow different fromthe God of the Jews and Christians. As will be illustrated6
CHAPTER 1 TOMORROW'S RULERSlater, some of the Masons believe that the God of the Bible isa God of evil.Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, perhaps the founder of thecurrent New Age movement, has also determined that theMasons are somehow supportive of her religious views. Shewrote this in her book entitled THE SECRET DOCTRINE:"... at the end of the eighteenth and the beginningof the nineteenth centuries many Freemasons travelledto Tibet where they were initiated into theesoteric [defined as intended for or understood by onlya chosen few, as an inner group of disciples or initiates]order of the Masters of wisdom." 46It should be expected that she would support the Masonicfraternity. In 1875, she founded an organization called theTheosophical Society, basically dedicated to teaching theworld about her new secret religion. One of the earliestmembers of that organization was Albert Pike, later to becomethe Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite ofFreemasonry. 47Albert Pike, who later became a 33rd degree Mason, thehighest degree attainable, also saw that there were some significantchanges coming, and that he was supportive of thosechanges. He wrote the following in his book entitled MORALSAND DOGMA:"... we can look on all the evils of theworld, andsee that it is only the hour before sunrise, and thatthe light is coming." 48If Mr. Hall is right, the "evils" that his fellow Mason AlbertPike saw are connected to current religion, and thatwhich is coming is somehow different from those religiousviews.Mr. Hall, who as mentioned previously is another 33rddegree Mason, also wrote that a new day was coming, andthat it was not too far into the future:"A new light is breaking in the east; [the significanceof the location, "the east," will be pointed outlater] a more glorious day is at hand. The rule of the7
CHAPTER 1 TOMORROW'S RULERSphilosophic elect ~ the dream of the ages — will yetbe realized and is not too far distant." 49So, Mr. Hall is also expecting that these changes areabout to occur in the not too distant future.Someone who attempted to zero in on when these changeswere expected to occur was Alice Bailey, previously mentioned.She wrote about when she thought the New Agewould arrive:"Eventually, there will appear the Church Universal,and its definite outlines will appear towardsthe close of this century." 50Since she wrote early in the 20th century, we can seethat she was predicting the eventual arrival of the New Age,sometime around the 1990's. This estimate of that date is nottoo far wrong, as will be demonstrated later in this book.Whatever is coming in the future, some New Agers havetold us that they expect that it will last for a long time. Onesuch writer is Ruth Montgomery, who wrote that she sawthat thenew religion would rule the earth for a thousandyears. She wrote the following in her book entitled HERALDFOR THE NEW AGE:"The New Age, the millennium [a millennium is aperiod of one thousand years], will see an end to thatstrife, at least for a thousand years." 51Just what is the New Age religion that will last for atleast one thousand years on the earth?One who attempted to answer that question was ConstanceCumbey in her book entitled THE HIDDENDANGERS OF THE RAINBOW. She wrote that these werethe basic tenets of thenew religion:1. "The Plan" for the future includes the installationof a New World "Messiah," the implementationof a newworld government andnewworld religion under Maitreya (an individualwho will be examined later in thisbook).8
CHAPTER 1 TOMORROW'S RULERS2. A universal credit card system will be implemented.3. A world food authority will control all of theworld's food supply.4. A universal tax.5. A universal draft.6. They intend on utterly rooting out people whobelieve the Bible and worship God and tocompletely stamp out Christianity. 52As was discussed prior to this summary, certain peoplehave indicated that they see the Catholic Church as anenemy. Here Mrs. Cumbey says that they see not onlyCatholicism as the enemy, they also see all of Christianity asan enemy.Whatever the New Agers believe in, it appears to begrowing in popularity. Bantam Books, one of this nation'sleading publishing houses, has reported that the sales of theirNew Age titles has increased tenfold in the past decade. Timemagazine reports that the number of New Age bookstores hasdoubled in the past five years, to a total of about 2,500. 53According to an article in Forbes magazine,"publishers estimate that total sales of New Agetitles today are at least $100 million at retail." 54So, whatever they believe in, many believe in it.But perhaps the most insightful comment about the natureof what the New Age religion believed in, and who theyworshipped as their god, was written by Mrs. Cumbey in herbook entitled THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW.She wrote that they had:"... the intent of bringing about a New World Order— an order that writes God out of the picture anddeifies Lucifer." 55So, if Mrs. Cumbey and the other writers on the subjectare right, the New Age Movement needs to be studied insome depth.9
Chapter 2The New Age MovementThe New Age Religion appears to be the exact opposite ofthe Old Age Religion, meaning the religion of the Jews andthe Christians. These are the two religions that set theUnited States on its course because these religions taughtthat mankind had some basic human rights. They held thatthe family was the basic unit in all of theworld; theybelieved in the right to private property; they believed in theinalienable (defined as being incapable of being surrendered)right to life; they held that each person had the right toworship their god; and they held that all had the right tofreedom of association. As shall be documented in this study,these positions, which were deemed to be "self-evident" bythose who wrote the American Declaration of Independenceand the Constitution, became the cornerstones of theAmerican civilization. (The term "self-evident" means thatthese human rights were not worthy of debate because theystood on their own simply because they were true. Theycouldn't be debated.)10
CHAPTER 2 THE NEW AGE MOVEMENTYet, today, these cornerstones of American life are nolonger "self-evident." They are being publicly discussed: peopleand organizations are now debating whether an individualhas the basic human rights to life, liberty and property.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, a German philosopher, andone of the teachers of many of theworld's leading communistrevolutionaries, put the argument quite succinctly, in thisstatement:"I condemn Christianity. I raise against the ChristianChurch the most terrible of all accusations thatany accuser uttered. It is to me the highestconceivable corruption." 56Texe Marrs, an author who has written in opposition tothe New Age, wrote this about their hatred of the Christians:"The New Age believer is told, "You could be a godin the next instant if only those horrible Christiansweren't around with their poisonous attitudes." 57That thought was illustrated by another of the importantNew Agers, David Spangler, who wrote this in his book entitledREFLECTIONS ON THE CHRIST:"We can take all the scriptures and all the teachingsand all the tablets and all the laws, and all themarshmallows and have a jolly good bonfire andmarshmallow roast, because that is all they areworth." 58So the New Age, like the Masons, feel that Christianityis the enemy, a force to be countered, not by open debate, butby contempt and ridicule, and as shall be illustrated later, byeven murder.Other parties wish to join the debate. In 1911, the SocialistParty of Great Britain published a pamphlet entitledSOCIALISM AND RELIGION, in which they placed their positionabout religion into the arena:"It is therefore a profound truth that Socialism isthe natural enemy of religion. A Christian Socialist is11
CHAPTER 2 THE NEW AGE MOVEMENTin fact an anti-Socialist. Christianity ... is theantithesis of Socialism." 59So the Socialist, the New Ager, and the Mason have declaredwar on the Christians. And, as in every war, theenemy must be defeated, even by bloodshed if necessary. Thiswar is no different. Bloodshed is anticipated by all parties inthe battle.LaVedi Lafferty and Bud Hollowell, two New Agers,started the discussion about how their religion sanctions theuse of violence against the Christian community. They wrotethe following in their book entitled THE ETERNAL DANCE:"This is a time of opportunity for those who willtake it [apparently the New Agers.] For others, [apparentlythe Christians] if the earth is unsuitable forthem, [if they will not accept the New Age religion]they will go on to other worlds." 60Another New Age spokesman, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,the "guru" sought out by the rock 'n roll group known as theBeatles, has been quoted as saying:"There has not been and there will not be a placefor the unfit [apparently the Christians.] The fit willlead, and if the unfit are not coming along, [if theywill not accept the New Age religion] there is noplace for them.In the Age of Enlightenment there is no place forignorant people. Nonexistence of the unfit has beenthe law of nature." 61Another example of New Age thinking on this vital issuecame from a pamphlet available in a bookstore selling NewAge material. It was published by something called theGuardian Action Publications of New Mexico, and it was entitledCosmic Countdown. It alleged that it had receivedthese thoughts from something called "Higher Intelligence,"and it directed its attention to the hunger/disease problem inthe third world. The pamphlet stated:"The world should be forewarned to be on thelookout for diseases which have been suppressed for12
CHAPTER 2 THE NEW AGE MOVEMENTyears, suddenly rearing their ugly heads and decimatingpopulations already on the verge of starvationin the Third World Nations.Although these peoples will eventually be replacedby thenew root race about to make its appearancein a newly cleansed world; nevertheless, for the moment,this is a tragedy." 62The words reveal an incredible scenario: those people inthe Third World nations are going to be entirely replaced bya "new root race." That eventuality will not be a tragedy; thetragedy is that these people are dying now due to starvationand disease.The concept that a new race of people will inhabit theworld in the New Age millennium has been expressed byother believers in the religion. Ruth Montgomery, previouslymentioned, has written about that change:"Those who survive the shift will be a differenttype of people from those in physical form today,freed from strife and hatred, longing to be of serviceto the whole of mankind.... the souls who helped to bring on the chaos ofthe present century [apparently the Christians andthe Jews] will have passed into spirit to rethinktheir attitudes." 63To show that the New Agers are talking about thephysical death of the "enemy," one must only search thewritings of other New Agers. Another believer to write on thesubject of the destruction of those who will not accept thenew religion was Ruth Montgomery. She has been quoted assaying in a transcribed interview carried by a magazinecalled Magical Blend:"Millions will survive and millions won't. Thosewho won't will go into the spirit state, because thereis truly no death." 64Estimates of the number to perish have been made bysome New Agers. One who has made such an estimate isJohn Randolph Price, who was quoted by Texe Marrs in hisbook about the New Age. He said that:13
CHAPTER 2 THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT"John Randolph Price was told by his spirit guidethat up to two and one-half billion might perish inthe coming chaos." 65That estimate is about half of the current world population.Another estimate of the number required to die becausethey will not accept thenew religion was offered by the socalled"Tibetan master," Djwhal Khul, who has said in one ofhis channelling experiences, that one third of all humanitymust die by the year 2000. 66 That would be about 2 billionpeople.Channelling is one of the strange activities occurringinside the New Age religion. Some of the believers claim thatthey have the ability to call forth the deceased spirit ofsomeone who lived many years before. Quite often thesespirits claim to be "ascended masters," those who have goneon to discover the eternal truths of all of creation. One suchbeliever who claimed to be in touch with a "master" was AliceBailey, previously mentioned. Her spirit called himself DjwhalKhul, and she claimed he spoke through her, saying:"Death is not a disaster to be feared; the work ofthe Destroyer is not really cruel or undesirable ....Therefore there is much destruction permitted by thecustodians of the Plan and much evil turned intogood." 67Just what "The Plan" constituted was told to theworldby Benjamin Creme, another New Age leader. He placed anadvertisement in about 20 newspapers all over theworld onApril 25, 1982, that defined the term. The ad read, in part:"What is The Plan? It includes the installation ofa newworld government and newworld religionunder Maitreya." 68But perhaps the most startling example of the teachingsof this new religion came from the pen of Barbara MarxHubbard, one of their most articulate writers. She wrote inher book entitled HAPPY BIRTHDAY PLANET EARTH:14
CHAPTER 2 THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT"The choice is: do you wish to become a naturalChrist, a universal human, or do you wish to die?" 69"People will either change or die. That is thechoice." 70So the people of theworld will be given a choice: theywill choose to accept thenew religion, or they will choose todie!The battle lines are drawn!Choices will have to be made.Some of the leading Socialists of the past have shownthat they too have chosen up sides. One such individual wasAdolf Hitler, the head of the German government duringWorld War II, who held no conviction that the murder of over50 million people during that war was wrong. He consideredhimself to be an agent of this unseen god in reducing thepopulation of people that he held to be undesirable. He wrote:"I have the right to exterminate millions of individualsof inferior races, which multiply like vermin."71And he did what he considered acceptable inside hisreligion. Those who did not believe in his new religion had nochoice, and they perished. (The evidence that Adolf Hitlerwas a New Ager will be presented later in another chapter.)Another of the leading spokesmen for the Socialist positionwas George Bernard Shaw, a well-known writer duringhis day. He wrote a book entitled THE INTELLIGENT WOM-AN'S GUIDE TO SOCIALISM, in which he stated:"I also made it quite clear that Socialism meansequality of income or nothing, and under Socialismyou would not be allowed to be poor.You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taughtand employed whether you like it or not. If it werediscovered that you had not the character and industryenough to be worth all this trouble, you mightbe executed in a kindly manner, but whilst you werepermitted to live, you would have to live well." 7215
CHAPTER 2 THE NEW AGE MOVEMENTThe Masonic writer, Albert Pike, placed the Masonicorder into the discussion, when he wrote this in his bookMORALS AND DOGMA:"It is not true to say that 'one man, howeverlittle, must not be sacrificed to another, howevergreat, to a majority or to all men.'That is not only a fallacy, but a most dangerousone.Often one man and many men must be sacrificed,in the ordinary sense of the term, to the interest ofthe many.... the interest and even the life of one man mustoften be sacrificed to the interest and welfare of hiscountry." 73The religious view is that the "sacrifice" of one life forthe interest of the "many" is murder, and those who believein the God of the Bible are told not to commit this act. Thecommandment against this practice is contained in Exodus20:13 of the Old Testament, and in Matthew 5:21 in the New,and is simply expressed in the words: "Thou shalt not kill."The principle is easy to understand: no person has the rightto take the life of another. This understanding is nearlyworldwide (there are, of course, cultures that have determinedthat human sacrifice, cannibalism and murder are acceptableforms of behavior, but these are rare in the historyof man.) But, here we are being exposed to a whole new religiousview, one growing daily in size and stature, thatopenly advocates the wholesale slaughter of entire races ofpeople.Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, has alsoendorsed this new conviction that murder was not improperby including it in the initiation ceremony into the Order. Hehas his initiator tell the initiate:"Behold our secret .... If in order to destroy allChristianity, all religion, we have pretended to havethe sole true religion, remember that the end justifiesthe means, and that the wise ought to take allthe means to do good which the wicked take to do74evil."16
CHAPTER 2 THE NEW AGE MOVEMENTThe initiate was told that he may use whatever means,murder included, to achieve the goals of the association thathe was joining. And that the major goal of the Illuminati wasthe destruction of all religion, including Christianity. Thatmeant that if Christians physically stood in the way, theycould be removed by simply murdering them.Weishaupt even went so far as to say that anyone notwilling to take the life of another was unfit to join theIlluminati. He wrote the following in a letter to a fellowmember in 1778:"No man is fit for our Order who is not ... readyto go to every length ...." 75Weishaupt wrote that again, this time using differentwords:"This can be done in no other way but by secretassociations, which will by degrees, and in silence,possess themselves of the government of the States,and make use of those means for this purpose whichthe wicked use for attaining base ends." 76Weishaupt was aware of the enormous power of governmentand he desired its power for his members. He committedhis organization to its infiltration. Then, he committedit to unspeakable purposes: anything that would further thegoal of the Illuminati.He even went on to grant permission to his members todistort the truth by lying if it would further their goals. Hewrote:"There must not a single purpose ever come insight ... that may betray our aims against religionand the state.One must speak sometimes one way and sometimesanother, but so as never to contradict ourselves,and so that, with respect to our true way ofthinking, we may be impenetrable." 77Perhaps a perfect example of an oath that these initiatestake somewhere along the road to the pinnacle inside thesecret society was given in a book written by George Orwell17
CHAPTER 2 THE NEW AGE MOVEMENTentitled 1984. Mr. Orwell has an initiate into a secret societycalled The Brotherhood in his story asked these questions:"Are you prepared to give your life?Are you prepared to commit murder?Are you prepared to commit acts of sabotagewhich may cause the death of hundreds of innocentpeople?Are you prepared to betray your country toforeign powers?Are you prepared to cheat, to forge, to blackmail,to corrupt the minds of children, to distribute habitformingdrugs, to encourage prostitution, to disseminatevenereal diseases — to do anything which islikely to cause demoralization and weaken the powerof the [people?]Are you prepared to commit suicide, if and whenwe order you to do so?" 78This is an example of the philosophy that "the endsjustify the means." The initiate should do as he was required,as long as the act benefited the Brotherhood. There is nomorality under such an oath.So murder of the unfit, those unwilling to adopt thenewreligion, will be acceptable. And those who do the annihilatingare to feel no remorse. In the view of the New Age religion,the murderers have served mankind well.But, this callous disregard for the right to life of everyhuman on the face of the earth has been predicted before. Inthe New Testament, John was moved to write in John 6:12:"Yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth youwill think that he doeth God service."The New World Order will sail in on a sea of blood.18
Chapter 3Lord MaitreyaThe New Age religion will have a worldwide leader, anindividual that they call Lord Maitreya. This individual hasnot made his public appearance yet, but the New Agers claimthat he is on the earth at the present time. They claim thathe came to live with the Asian community in East London,England, in July, 1977, by "descending" from his ancientretreat in the Himalaya Mountains along the border of Indiaand Tibet. They further believe that "his imminent emergenceinto full public view is assured."They also claim that this individual is the one that theChristians call Christ, the Jews call the Messiah, theBuddhists call the Fifth Buddha, the Hindus call Krishna,and the Muslims call the Imam Mahdi. In other words, all ofthe major religions of theworld are awaiting the arrival ofthis one individual. It is their claim that this one individualliving now in London is the one expected by all of thesereligions. And he is on the earth now, patiently waiting forthe appointed time to reveal his existence to the peoples of19
CHAPTER 3 LORD MAITREYAtheworld. He will apparently assume the leadership of all ofthese religions, and when he does, he will create a one-worldreligion.The New Agers have written that in the esoteric tradition(previously defined as being intended for or understood byonly a chosen few as an inner group of disciples or initiates)the word "Christ" is not the name of an individual, but thename of an office, or function, within the Spiritual Hierarchyof Masters. The masters are a group of perfected men whohave guided human evolution from behind the scenes for centuries.And they believe that this Lord Maitreya is thatChrist.Manly P. Hall has written of this individual, by identifyinghim as:"... the way, the truth, and the life which, comingto every life, redeems all who accept it." 79Texe Marrs has quoted this individual as saying:"My Army is ready for battle, My masters of Wisdomand Myself at the head. That battle will be foughtfor the continuance of man on this earth. Rest assuredthat my Army shall triumph." 80It appears that the battle to be fought between the followersof Lord Maitreya and the rest of humanity is still in thefuture. But at least one of the participants has an armyalready prepared.One who claims to have seen the birth in a "vision" ofsomeone who seems to fulfill the requirements of this Maitreyawas astrologer Jeanne Dixon. Her major claim to beinga "prophet" is her prediction, reportedly made before theevent, of the assassination of President John Kennedy in1963. However, her credentials were dealt a serious blow in1968 when she also "prophesied" that the Soviet Union wouldbe the first to put a man on the moon. Another of her"prophecies" was that the Republican Party would be victoriousin 1968 (and it was with the election of RichardNixon, a Republican,) but she also predicted that "within thefollowing decade (1970-1979) the two-party system as we haveknown it will vanish from the American scene. 8120
CHAPTER 3 LORD MAITREYAShe further predicted that Richard M. Nixon had "excellentvibrations for the good of America" and would "serve[the] country well." 82Those who question her inability to correctly predict thatAmerica, not the Soviet Union, would become the first toplace a man on the moon; and that the two-party system hasnot vanished from the scene; and that President Nixon apparentlydid not have "good vibrations" for this nation andwould later be removed from office by the event commonlyreferred to as "Watergate," can only presume that she musthave been given "inside" information about the assassinationof the President Kennedy. And that would account for herknowing, at least in that event, the true future.Secondly, one can only wonder why this "non-prophet"should be listened to about anything after her appallingrecord on "prophecies," but there is reason to believe that shemight have been asked to write an account of this "vision" ofan important birth by the New Age religion because theywanted the official imprimatur of someone commonly referredto as a "prophet." In other words, her "prophecy" might havebeen written to legitimize his claim to be a man-god so thatwhen this individual made his public appearance himself, thepublic would marvel at the fact that his birth had fulfilled aprophecy."But, in any event, Ruth Montgomery wrote a book abouther, entitled THE GIFT OF PROPHECY, in which she wroteabout the very revealing and intriguing vision that JeanneDixo n allegedly had:"The vision which [Jeanne] considers the most significantand soul-stirring of her life occurred on February5, 1962.She saw the brightest sun she had ever seen. [Thereader is asked to remember this reference to "thesun."]Stepping out of the brightness were a Pharaoh andQueen Nefertiti. [Remember here that these two individualswere Egyptians. This will become significantlater on in this study.] The couple ... thrust forth [a]baby, as if offering it to the entire world." 83Jeanne looked at the baby and then said, according to theauthor:21
CHAPTER 3 LORD MAITREYA"I knew 'Here is the beginning of wisdom.'" 84So what Ruth Montgomery wrote can be summarized asfollows:A sun deity gives theworld a child, from Egypt, who possessesenormous "wisdom." And this event allegedly tookplace on February 5, 1962. The interpretation of these symbolswill be discussed later and their alleged significance willbe developed.Jeanne then says:"A child, born somewhere in the Middle East shortlyafter 7 a.m. (E.S.T.) on February 5, 1962, will revolutionizetheworld. Before the close of the century hewill bring together all mankind in one all-embracingfaith.Mankind will begin to feel the great force of thisman in the early 1980's, and during the subsequent tenyears theworld as we know it will be reshaped intoone without wars and suffering. His power will growgreatly until 1999 [this year is extremely significant aswill also be developed] at which time the peoples of thisearth will probably discover the full meaning of thevision." 85So, according to this "vision," a child, born on February 5,1962, will grow up to bring a one-world religion onto the faceof the earth, and his efforts will be successful in 1999.The New York Times newspaper ran three consecutivearticles on the conjunction of five planets, the sun, the moonand an "invisible body that astrologers call Khetu," startingon February 4, 1962. The first article stated that the variousbodies moved into "rough alignment in the constellation Capricornat 7:05 A.M., New York time," and that they would"remain in that alignment until 7:17 A.M., New York time,Monday." 86However, the article went on to say that most of thepeople in India became alarmed, because most astrologerswere making "predictions of disasters." There were a fewastrologers who were predicting good for theworld as a resultof this alignment, but "few Indians appear[ed] to be payingthem much heed."22
CHAPTER 3 LORD MAITREYAAstronomers did not consider the event to be rare, however,and the article went on to report that "the same configuration[had] occurred several times in the past," the lasttime being in April, 1821, and then it occurred twice. Thearticle reported that Dr. Kenneth L. Franklin of the Museumof Natural History-Hayden Planetarium in New York hadcommented that that year does not seem to be a year of anyremembered disasters. He was then quoted as saying: "Andthat year isn't famous for anything, as far as I know." 87Dr. Franklin also commented on the body the astrologerscall Khetu. He "speculated that it may be some sort of astrologicaladdition used to make everything come out right." Hethen added that he believed Khetu "to be the invisible planetthat is frequently taken into account in astrological reckonings,but that he had no idea how it was possible to keeptrack of something that no one could see."The Times carried another article the next day, Monday,February 5, 1962, and it repeated the concern of the Hinduastrologers. In fact, that headline read "Hindu AstrologersStill Say It's Doomsday." And the sub-headline read "PeacefulBeginning of Planetary Event Is Viewed Gravely."The third article in the series ran on Tuesday, February 6,1962, and carried the headline "'Doomsday' in India Uneventful."The article reported that the Indian astrologers had"predicted a variety of disasters, earthquakes, tidal waves,devastating fires, and warfare, to name a few," but that noneof these events had occurred. Furthermore, the article reportedthat Hindu priests had claimed that the reason nothinghad happened was because their prayers to their god hadbeen answered.But, none of these three articles mentioned the birth ofanyone on these three days. Furthermore, none but a few astrologershad believed that something good was going to happen,and that only a few in India had listened to them.Only Jeanne Dixon, another "astrologer," had seen a visionof something beneficial, in this case the birth of a baby "fullof wisdom," at about the midpoint of the three day affair.One can only wonder if, once again, she missed the mark,and was involved in another error.In any event, these people claim that the Lord Maitreyawill appear shortly to the entire world and start everyone offon a road to a world religion. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky inher book entitled THE SECRET DOCTRINE, called him "the23
CHAPTER 3 LORD MAITREYAdragon of wisdom." So it appears that the one call thatJeanne Dixon made that appears to match other comments isher statement that the baby she saw in her "vision" was "fullof wisdom." If the baby she claimed to have seen in her visionwas "Lord Maitreya," then she was right, because othershave claimed that Lord Maitreya is "full of wisdom."However, there is still reason to believe that she wasgiven "inside" information by some New Agers who wanted tohave this "Lord's" birth "prophesied' so that when he didsurface, the New Agers could claim that his birth had been"a fulfilled prophecy."So theworld awaits the visible appearance of LordMaitreya.24
Chapter 4The Ancient Mysteries"The One Who Knows The Secret Does Not Speak.The One Who Speaks Does Not Know The Secret."Alice Bailey, one of the key members of the New Agereligion, wrote:"There is no question therefore that the work to bedone in familiarizing the general public with the natureof the Mysteries is of paramount importance at thistime. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expressionthrough the medium of the Church and theMasonic Fraternity." 88The question of just what the Ancient Mysteries were wasanswered, in part, by Albert G. Mackey, another 33rd degreeMason, in his two volume work entitled ENCYCLOPAEDIAOF FREEMASONRY. He wrote this under the subject of theAncient Mysteries:25
CHAPTER 4 THE ANCIENT MYSTERIES"Each of the pagan gods ... had, besides the publicand open, a secret worship paid to him to which nonewere admitted but those who had been selected bypreparatory ceremonies called Initiation.This secret worship was termed the Mysteries." 89The student of the Masonic Order can know that whenMr. Mackey writes, his writings can be relied upon. He isconsidered to be one of the premier Masonic authors of alltime. These are the comments from the biographicalinformation presented on Mr. Mackey in the front of hisENCYCLOPAEDIA:"... his writings are universally esteemed for theirsincerity, honest records and common sense. [He was] aleader in research ... who valued accuracy." 90Carl Claudy, another Mason who writes on the subject ofthe Lodge, also has words of praise for Mr. Mackey:"[He was] one of the greatest students and mostwidely followed authorities the Masonic world has everknown." 91And in his book entitled INTRODUCTION TO FREEMA-SONRY, he praised Mr. Mackey with these words:"Albert Gallatin Mackey: one of the greatest studentsand most widely followed authorities the Masonicworld has known. [He is] the great Master of Freemasonry."92So Mr. Mackey can be believed when he tells his readersthat the worship of pagan gods had a secret, non-visibleworship besides the public one. The reader can believe himwhen he identifies the name of this secret worship. He toldhis readers:"This secret worship was termed the Mysteries."Another who has written about the subject of the AncientMysteries was Manly P. Hall, another 33rd degree Mason. He26
CHAPTER 4 THE ANCIENT MYSTERIEShas written in his book entitled WHAT THE ANCIENTWISDOM EXPECTS OF ITS DISCIPLES:"In the remote past the gods walked with men and... they chose from among the sons of men the wisestand the truest.With these specially ordained and illumined sonsthey left the keys of their great wisdom, which was theknowledge of good and evil. [This will be examinedlater.]... these illumined ones, founded what we know asthe Ancient Mysteries." 93He wrote additional comments about these mysteries inanother of the books he has written, called THE SECRETTEACHINGS OF ALL AGES:"The arcana [defined as being a secret or hiddenknowledge] of the