Download progress garrys mod - hope, you
Facepunch / garrysmod-requests
I support this too.
On the loading screen when joining a server that forced a workshop download, the download bar moves at a constant speed and loops. It in no way represents the size/time left for the download. This is different to normal downloads when are relative to how much of the file has been downloaded.
It makes it painful when joining servers with lots of addons because there's no way to tell how much downloading is left.
In order of preference (best to worst)
*Progress bar displays relative to percent downloaded.
*Progress bar displays an indeterminate status to indicate a download is active but it doesn't know how much is done/left. The display is easy to identify as not being a progress-based (above) bar. (example:
*Progress bar displays in a looping fixed-rate pattern which looks the same as a "percent downloaded" except it doesn't actually represent any progress. (This is what it currently does)
*No progress bar/indicator.
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